Sponsor: Yvonne Byrne
Planned and led by teens for teens, Snowball is a fun, engaging retreat that helps participants develop confidence, purpose, and leadership skills. Snowball Teen Leaders get a chance to hone their leadership and peer education skills in a relaxed, supportive setting.
Email: ybyrne@d230.org
Meeting Information: Student leader interviews will take place this semester, and leadership training will follow. The location and date for the Snowball retreat is TBD, Google Meet Link for VIRTUAL ACTIVITY FAIR: https://meet.google.com/lookup/gtatjxm7um?authuser=0&hs=179 (This link will be the same for those interested in We Dine Together.)
Please fill out this form if interested in interviewing to be a part of our teen staff! https://forms.gle/TJF16hvM9CmE4VJR7
Check out this video for a preview of Snowball!